Brazil bans advertising to children

Example of marketing in schools

Example of marketing in schools

Banned because it’s abusive. Amazing to see a country respect children’s needs over corporate profits. When will the U.S. do the same?

Here is a summary based on a Consumers International article:

The National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, has passed a resolution, with the force of law, banning advertising to children in Brazil. The resolution states: “the practice of directing advertising and marketing communication to children with the intention of persuading them to consume any product or service” is abusive and, therefore, illegal as per the Consumer Defense Code.

Starting immediately, the following methods of marketing to children are prohibited: print ads, television, commercials, radio sports, banners and sites, packaging, promotions, merchandising, actions on shows, and point-of-sale presentations directed at children.

The text also considers abusive any advertising and market communication in day care centers and nurseries, as well as elementary schools, including advertising on school uniforms and classroom material.


Thanks to Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood for passing along this news. According to CCFC, the law applies to children under 12 and was the result of advocacy by its sister organization Instituto Alana.